Permanent Residency

This comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of the steps and considerations involved in securing permanent residency status in Kenya. It outlines the specific eligibility criteria, application procedures, and supporting documentation required, equipping readers with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions and navigate the application process effectively.

Jun 25, 2024 - 12:50
Jun 30, 2024 - 13:54

1. What is Permanent Residency in Kenya?

Permanent residency in Kenya is a legal status available to specific categories of individuals who meet the eligibility criteria and submit an application. 

The following people are eligible for permanent residency in Kenya:

  1. Former Kenyan citizens who have renounced or lost their citizenship.
  2. Individuals who have been lawfully residing in Kenya or hold valid work permits.
  3. Children born to Kenyan citizens, regardless of their place of birth.
  4. Spouses of Kenyan citizens, including those in recognized marriages.

Read More : Permanent Residence Categories Application

2. Who is Eligible to Apply for Permanent Residency in Kenya?

The following categories of individuals are eligible for consideration:

  1. Former citizens by birth who have renounced or lost their citizenship and are unable to hold dual citizenship due to laws in their current country of residence.
  2. Individuals who have possessed work permits for a minimum of seven years and have maintained continuous residence in Kenya for the three years immediately prior to submitting their application.
  3. Children of Kenyan citizens who were born outside of Kenya and have obtained citizenship in their country of birth.
  4. Individuals who have been married to Kenyan citizens for a period of at least three years.

3. What are the Benefits of Having Permanent Residency Status in Kenya?

Permanent residency status in Kenya offers several significant benefits:

  1. Freedom of movement: Permanent residents have the right to enter and remain in Kenya, as well as move and settle anywhere within the country.
  2.  Employment opportunities: They are legally permitted to work in Kenya without restrictions.
  3. Educational access: Permanent residents can attend educational facilities in the country.
  4. Property ownership: They have the right to legally own property in Kenya.
  5. Social services: Permanent residents can access and enjoy social services and facilities provided in Kenya.
  6. Documentation: They are issued a permanent residence certificate as proof of their status.
  7. Long-term stability: This status provides a secure, long-term option for living in Kenya.

4. The Permanent Residence Application Process

The Permanent Residence application process consists of several key steps:

  1. Account Creation and Application: Applicants must create an account and submit their Permanent Residence application through the EFNS Portal.
  2. Processing Fee Payment: A processing fee is required and must be paid as part of the application.
  3. Document Submission: Applicants are required to upload all necessary documents to support their application.
  4. Application Acknowledgment: Upon successful submission, applicants can download an acknowledgment of their application.
  5. Approval and Issuance Fee: If the application is approved, the applicant will receive notification to pay the issuance fee.
  6. Payment Confirmation: Proof of payment, such as deposit slips, must be provided to the PR office by uploading the relevant documents.
  7. Certificate Issuance: The final step involves the in-person issuance of the Permanent Residence certificate.

5. The Process of Acquiring Permanent Residence

The process of acquiring Permanent Residence involves several steps:

  1. Begin by submitting an online application on the eFNS Portal.
  2. Next, deliver the required documents to the Directorate of Immigration Services Headquarters, located on the Ground Floor, South Wing of Nyayo House in Nairobi or in any Kenyan mission abroad.
  3. Background checks are then conducted on the applicant.
  4. The Permanent Residence Advisory Committee conducts interviews and provides recommendations.
  5. The Director General reviews the application and makes an approval decision.
  6. If approved, notification is sent to the applicant via their eFNS portal account.
  7. Upon approval, the applicant must pay the Permanent Residence issuance fees.
  8. Finally, the Certificate of Permanent Residence is prepared and issued to the successful applicant.

6. The Cost of Obtaining Permanent Residency in Kenya

The cost of obtaining permanent residency in Kenya varies depending on the type of permanent residence. Here is a breakdown of the issuance fees:

Permanent Residence Category Fees (Kes.)
Ex-Kenyan or Former Citizens (Category A) Kes. 15,000.00
Lawful Residents or Holders of Work Permit (Category B) Kes 500,000.00
Children of Kenya Citizens (Category C) Kes. 500,000.00
Spouse to Kenya Citizen Kes. 50,000

7. Loss of Permanent Residence Status in Kenya.

Permanent residence status in Kenya can be lost under several circumstances:

  1. Acquisition of Kenyan citizenship: When an individual becomes a Kenyan citizen, their permanent residence status is automatically terminated.
  2. Non-compliance with obligations: Failure to adhere to the conditions and obligations outlined in section 38 of The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act, 2011 can result in the loss of permanent residence status.
  3. Removal order: If a removal order is issued against the permanent resident and comes into effect, their status is revoked.
  4. Voluntary relinquishment: Should a permanent resident communicate in writing to the Director their intention to give up their status, it will be terminated.
  5. Non-bona fide marriage: In cases where the marriage that formed the basis for granting permanent residence is determined to be not genuine, the status may be revoked.

8. Can Permanent Residents in Kenya Apply for Kenyan Citizenship?

Permanent residents in Kenya have the opportunity to apply for Kenyan citizenship under specific conditions. The primary requirement is a minimum residency period of seven years in the country. However, the citizenship application process involves several additional criteria that applicants must fulfill:

  1. Length of residency: Applicants must have lived in Kenya for at least seven consecutive years prior to applying.
  2. Constitutional knowledge: Candidates are required to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the Kenyan constitution.
  3. Language proficiency: Applicants must exhibit a good command of Kenya's national language, which is Swahili.
  4. Legal status: Applicants must have maintained a valid permanent residency status throughout their stay in Kenya.
  5. Character assessment: Good moral character and a clean criminal record are typically expected.
  6. Intent to reside: Applicants should express their intention to continue residing in Kenya if granted citizenship.
  7. Oath of allegiance: Successful applicants must be willing to take an oath of allegiance to Kenya.

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